
Pat Almquist
Aug 10, 2023


It sucks that so many modern endings begin with a graduated silence.
Love on a gradient.

It sucks we don’t fight to make it work as easily as we make it ick.
It sucks that it hurts when two good ones don’t feel what they want.
It sucks you’re not her.
It sucks I’m not him.
I’m glad we’re not.

It sucks that you can sense it coming - like rain before you see the clouds.
Ear to the ground.
Hackles up.

I hate that we’re looking for it and ready.
Doesn’t that suck?
It sucks.

We’ll find it.
I just wish it didn’t take this much.
But what good things don’t I suppose.
That’s what they tell me.

I want. Gimme.



Pat Almquist

one sec…i’m trying to figure out if this glass is half full…it is, right? i think…